How can I close the app on an Android device?

When you open OdySight, the app is put in full screen. Follow these instructions to to get out of the full screen:

  • Put your finger at the bottom of the screen and swipe or slide it up. The triangle, round, and square buttons of your Android device will appear.
  • Click the square. The window of the app will reduce in size, and you will see your wallpaper as well as the other opened apps (if there are ones).

The method to close an app is not the same on all Android devices, but here is a list of possibilities to close OdySight:

  • Click the cross at the top right side of the OdySight window.
  • Click the cross at the top left side of the OdySight window.
  • Slide the OdySight window from left to right until it disappears.
  • Slide the OdySight window from top to bottom until it disappears.

When the window disappears, the app is closed.

Question précédente
What is the option Remember me?
Question suivante
How can I close the app on an Apple device?